Welcoming Trans Sea and Trans Fjord
Seatrans Chemical Tankers welcomes the new vessels Trans Sea and Trans Fjord to their fleet. With complete integration into SCT’s operations, the vessels are now operating in international waters, catering to our global customer base.
Both vessels have underwent traditional naming ceremonies in Japan, a gesture aimed to bring good fortune for vessel and crew. Shortly after these ceremonies, Trans Sea and Trans Fjord quickly transitioned to operational status, ready to contribute to the international chemical trade industry.

The vessels are 12,500 deadweight advanced stainless steel chemical carriers with 18 segregations, have thermal oil heating systems installed and are fitted to carry propylene oxide. With a flexible cargo tank figuration, these vessels are perfect for the parcel trade between Northern Europe and the Mediterranean.
Aligning with our commitment to the environment and safety, the chemical tankers are built to the highest environmental, fuel-efficiency, and safety standards, complying with IMO NOx Tier 3 and Sox emission requirements and following the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) Phase 3 compliance level.
Welcome to the fleet!